Our investment groups

Investment Group
Real Estate Switzerland

The investment group Real Estate Switzerland has been investing in investment properties across Switzerland since 2018, whereby at least 60% of the real estate investments are focused on residential use. Acquisitions cover both residential and non-residential real estate like offices, retail units, commercial premises and logistics centers. The focus is on achieving the right balance of real estate in different locations and with different uses. Sites are selected primarily on the basis of property market cycles, economic power and forecasts, politics and the legal/tax situation.

Investment group
Sustainable Real Estate Projects Switzerland

Created in 2022, the new investment group provides investors with opportunities to invest in the establishment and expansion of a diversified real estate portfolio made up of new construction projects and project developments across Switzerland, with a clear focus of at least 60% of properties with residential use. Growth comes in the form of new constructions, renovations and building transformations in locations with the potential to increase property value – all properties will remain in the portfolio upon completion.

The secret to real estate investment success.

Real estate, often in the form of direct investments, is an important asset class for Swiss pension schemes. 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation helps small and medium-sized pension schemes to optimise direct real estate investments, allowing a portfolio of properties held directly by a pension scheme to be transferred to the investment foundation through contributions in kind.